Queen Maeve's grave

Queen Maeve's grave

0 x 0 cm, © 2018, prijs op aanvraag
Tweedimensionaal | Fotografie | Digitaal onbewerkt
Queen Maeve's Grave (irish: Miosgán Meadhbha) is large passage tomb situated on the top of Knocknarea Mountain (327m), dominating the landscape of the Coolera peninsula in County Sligo. Legend says, that is the final resting place of Queen Maeve of Connacht, the ancient warrior queen. This Neolithic monument has approx 55 m in diameter, is 11 m high and was made of locally quarried limestone. There are also remains of smaller megaliths, as well as huts and large embanked area along the eastern slope. Formal excavations has never been carried out, but is thought the Queen Maeve's cairn and other remains may have been built around 3000 BC.